In a tragic turn of events, Canadian actor David Lee has passed away unexpectedly. Lee, known for his roles in various TV shows and movies, was found unresponsive in his…
Editorial: False Attribution - Lessons from the Bread Slicing Machine The case of Otto Rohwedder and his invention, the bread slicing machine, is a cautionary tale about the dangers of…
Mother Calls Child a Son of a B*tch, Realizes She's the Real B*tch, Grounds Herself. There are moments in life that we all wish we could take back. Sometimes we…
When it comes to virtual assistants, few can forget the infamous MS Clippy, the paperclip-shaped character that appeared in Microsoft Office 97. Despite being a helpful tool for some, many…
Once upon a time, in a small apartment building located in the heart of the city, lived a man named Thomas Eddermann. Thomas was not your average man, he was…
By BSNN Staff This is the (un)true story of why Hasbulla punched his cat. Paddy the Baddy had always been a talented fighter, but his size was always a disadvantage…